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How to Protect Your Health and Enjoy-2010

How to Reduce Stress,to control Diabetes etc...


1. Posture: Try to practice good posture. When standing, try to balance body weight on both feet with shoulders pulled back. Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes as far as possible.

2. Exercises: Make a habbit of doing regular exercises like walking, swimming or stretching your muscles through yoga. This will improve your posture and reduce back pain.

3. Lift Safely: Never try to lift objects that are too heavy for you. Always lift objects with your back straight and knees bend and don't twist while lifting the object.

4. Drink Plenty of Water: It is advisable to drink at least 6-8 ounce glasses water per day to keep the body fluid rather than stiff. Not only this, water enhances the height of intervertebral disks, thereby keeping them the healthy shock absorbers they are.

5. Maintaining a Healthy Weight: This is an important factor for relieving back pain. Maintaining a healthy weight prevents all kinds of diseases and discomforts. It is important to eat a healthy diet with enough intake of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D to promote bone growth.

6. Interupt Long Periods of Sitting: If you have a job where you are required to sit for long periods of time, get up from your chair as much as you can. This is especially advisable for the computer professionals as otherwise they can be at risk to posture problems like kyphosis and neck problems.

7. Healthy Habbits: Follow healthy habbits. If you smoke, quit smoking as it reduces blood flow to the lower spine and causes the spinal disks to degenerate.

8. Sleeping Posture: Sleeping habbits also contribute a lot when it comes to back pains. Practice sleeping on your side, preferably on a firm surface.

9. Avoid Twisting Motion: Never twist your body to the side, especially when lifting some load. Twisting at the hips while lifting can be harmful.

10. Use Easy Reach Tools: Try to avoid over-reaching places without easy reaching tools. Preferably use ladders or scaffolding to allow you to work at a height.

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