Winners never quit and quitters never win

How to Protect Your Health and Enjoy-2010

How to Reduce Stress,to control Diabetes etc...

Energy-Boosting Foods

1. Vegetables

2. Whole-grain Cereals

3. 100-percent fruit juice

4. Dried fruit

5. Fresh fruit

"If you're really hungry and you want some quick energy, there's no better choice than eating some fruit. Rather than drinking a sugary drink, eat a piece of fruit. You're going to get your carbohydrates and you're also going to get your fiber and vitamins and minerals."

Sustained Energy Boosters:

"A balance of nutrients is really what's going to give you sustained energy because your body digests protein, fats and carbohydrates differently. In other words, you can eat them all at the same time but they are all going to be processed differently. Carbohydrates start being digested in your mouth, protein starts in your stomach and fat doesn't start until it reaches your intestines. That's why foods that are combinations of nutrients give you sustained energy." Some good combinations choices include:

6. Nuts

7. Whole-grain pasta

8. Turkey or peanut butter on whole-grain bread

"Who said you can only have a sandwich at lunch? If you eat a sandwich in the morning for breakfast made up of protein, carbohydrate and a little fat, you might make it to lunch without being hungry. But if you eat only carbohydrates in the morning without anything else (like if you eat just a sweet roll, which is mostly just sugar and white flour), chance are you'll be hungry in a few hours."

Drink Up and Perk Up

9. Water:

"The No. 1 thing I always think about is water. When people don't drink enough water and they aren't hydrated all, their functions are out of choke. They might misinterpret hunger for being really thirsty. Energy is dependent on all the metabolic functions running properly and the No. 1 ingredient for that is water."

10. Coffee:

"Caffeine is natural. Skip the mocha chino with lots of cream and sugar. There is nothing bad about it, it perks you up, gets you going and keeps you more mentally alert. The secret is not drinking too much."

How to Improve the Memory

Ayurveda has the cure for all disease. It is a complete and approved system of medication. The medicines made out of rasa (essence), bark, fruit, and leaves of different plants may appear to be useless, but they have the capacity to cure many incurable diseases. Today's modern life style has influenced the human brain to a great extent. Busy schedules and hectic work has resulted in our memory power becoming weakened. Foreign companies are coming up with new medicines and polluting the bodies environment at a time when we are trying to cope up with stress and tension. It is not sure whether such polluting medicines improve memory power or not, though it is certain that these medicines have adverse effects on the body.

Our brain has three parts. There are the conscious, subconscious and unconscious aspects of mind. All three forms are associated with memory. The conscious mind is the part of contemporary memory. The subconscious mind is related to those memories which can be remembered with great difficulty. The memories, which have been forgotten and the person is unable to recollect in spite of his best efforts are included in the unconscious mind. The memories and incidents which are a part of this mind sometimes appear in the form of dreams or a rare incident.

Memory Power - 11 Tips

Important Yogic Remedies from Ancient Indian Scriptures:

1. 29th chapter of Agnipuran contains a medicine, which grants longevity to a person. According to the text, consuming 240 mg to 500 mg of Brahmi powder with milk every morning is very beneficial. It also increases the memory power.

2. Ayurvedic scriptures like Charaka and Sushruta say that consuming 3 gm of green vegetable soup (made form Brahmi) increases the memory power. Brahmi leaves are tasty just like the tamarind leaves.

3. Bhav Prakash includes the importance of Shankhpushpi for good memory. Consuming 3 to 6 gm of Shankhpushpi powder with milk is extremely beneficial for increasing memory. It also plays an important role in improving the functioning of the brain and its overall development.

4 .Beshajya Ratnavali is a famous Ayurvedic literature. According to this book, regular consumption of Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, almond, etc. strengthen the brain cells and provide coolness to the brain. They are helpful in improving memory power and curing nervous related problems.

5. An Ayurvedic literature called Chikitsa Chandrodaya mentions the importance of Brahmi in the form of a chemical. Regular consumption of Brahmi improves the capacity to think and understand. It also includes a simple combination to improve memory power. It says that almond and sugar candy 'Halava' (sweet dish) is very healthy to strengthen the brain cells and improve the memory power.

6. Add one gram of black pepper in ten grams of honey and consume this mixture twice a day. This combination is very beneficial for increasing the memory power, improves eyesight and stops premature graying of hair.

7. A Greek literature 'Ijajul Gruba' mentions that consuming fiber in right quantity is extremely beneficial. Almond and pomegranate squash are very useful sources of fiber food. Whichever squash suits the body, should be taken regularly in the summer season. This book has cautioned that the best way to improve the memory power is to keep the mind cold and the feet warm.

8. Ayurvedic books have paid utmost attention to massage. Massaging the feet and head with rapeseed oil is beneficial in improving the memory power. Regular massage of the head increases the blood flow and also improves the memory power. It also relieves headache and improves the eyesight.

9. A simple tip can improve your memory power many times. When you go to bed, lie down straight, close your eyes and memorize all the activities, which you did throughout the day from morning to evening. Practice this tip everyday and you will notice that the memory power has improved to a great extent.

10. People who sleep with their head towards the East or South direction have very good memory power.

11. According to Guru Pushya Yog one should always keep Apamarg herb, this increases the memory power.

Funny Article

પ્રેમાળ પતિ

ક્લબમાં બાવન પાનાંની રમત જોરદાર જામી છે, ત્યાં ટેબલ પર પડેલા એક મોબાઈલની રીંગ વાગે છે...

રમતમાં મશગુલ એવો એક અઠંગ ખેલાડી ફોન લેવા માટે સ્પિકર ફોન ચાલુ કરીને હાથમાં પત્તાં રમાડતાં વાત શરુ કરે છે…

ખેલાડી - “ એલાવ…”

સામે છેડે - “ વ્હાલા, તું ક્લબમાં છો?”

ખેલાડી - “ હા”

સામે છેડે - “ હું અહીં મૉલમાં ખરીદી કરવા આવી છું, અને મને જરી ભરતથી ભરેલી સાડી ગમી ગઈ છે ,

રૂ . ૫ , ૦૦૦ કહે છે, લઈ લઉં ?”

ખેલાડી - “ લઈ લે ને , વહાલી , એમાં પુછવાનું હોય કાંઈ ?”

સામે છેડે - “ ઝવેરીનો ફોન આવ્યો તો , તેની પાસે નવી ડિઝાઈનના ડાયમંડસેટ આવ્યા છે , પસંદ પડે

તો એકાદ લઈ લઉં ?”

ખેલાડી -” શું રેંજમાં છે ?”

સામે છેડે - “ લાખ સવા લાખ સુધી થઈ જશે …”

ખેલાડી - “ તારી ખુશી માટે સવા લાખ મંજુર છે ..”

સામે છેડે - “ ગાડીની ડિસ્કાઉન્ટ ઓફરનો આજે છેલ્લો દિવસ છે મારા માટે …”

ખેલાડી - ‘ વ્હાલી આજે હું બહુ ખુશ છું , તેને જોઇતો મોડલ આજે જ નોંધાવી દેજે , કિંમતની ચિંતા ન કરતી ”

સામે છેડે - સારું , રાતે વહેલા ઘરે આવજો , આઈ લવ યુ .”

ખેલાડી - “ આઈ લવ યુ ટુ !”

ફોન મૂકાઈ ગયો , બધા ખેલાડી રમત છોડી તેની સામે જોઈ રહ્યા હતા અને વિચારતા હતા કે વાહ ! આને ખરો પતિ Kahevay !

ત્યાં તેણે સ્મિત સાથે બધાને પૂછ્યું - “ આ કોનો મોબાઈલ છે ?”

Polio Cases As on 15/01/2010

The status of Polio cases is as under:

Year 2004 = 134 wild Polio cases

Year 2005 = 66 wild Polio cases

Year 2006 = 676 wild Polio cases

Year 2007 = 874 wild Polio cases

Year 2008 = 559 wild Polio cases for the year 2008 (as on February 06, 2009 from 90 Revenue Districts)

Year 2009 = 724 wild Polio cases for the year 2009 (as on January 15, 2009 from 56 Revenue Districts)



Healthy Exercise Plan from Good Morning Heart

Regular exercise is a great way to get heart healthy. It improves circulation strengthens the heart, reduces body fact and decreases stress levels. And is that wasn't enough, it also does wonders for one's self esteem!

Unfortunately most of us are too busy to be able to devote time to the gym. In fact 60% of adults do not get the recommended amount of exercise.

The truth is that three are ample opportunities in a day to exercise and we can make the best of them by following a simple steps.

• Take the stairs instead of the elevator
• Get actively involved with your children
• Take the dog for a run in the morning
• Use lunch breaks at work to do simple exercises
• Walk to work and back

Simple things like these can help one get active and heart healthy.
So start your rountine today and feel the difference.

• One of the biggest injury risk factors is static posture
• Try to spend at least 5 minutes every hour away from your computer
• Remeber to ONLY stretch to the point of mild tension
• Try to incorporate the stretches into your daily routine

Below are some illustrations of simple active stretches to perform at the office.

Tightly clench your hand into a fist and release, fanning out the fingers. repeat 3 times

Causes of Stomach Ache: Kidney Stones, Appendicitis Pain and Liver Cancer

Causes of Stomach Ache: Appendicitis Pain

Appendicitis pain is unbearable. It arises suddenly; it begins from the middle part of the stomach and carries on to the right side of the stomach. It also causes fever, vomiting and uncomfortable feeling. This disease and pain can be cured with Ayurveda and highly effective asana. Regular practice can completely cure this disease, but only if it is detected very early.

Causes of Stomach Ache: Liver Cancer

A patient with liver cancer has a liver as hard as a stone. The patient suffers with pain in the upper right part of the stomach and this gradually increases. Loss of appetite, jaundice, weakness and weight loss are some of the common symptoms. Liver cancer is caused due to the consumption of liquor or due to poison in fungus infected grains. Ayurveda has a complete cure for this disease. There are very effective yoga asanas, which can cure this disease.

Causes of Stomach Ache: Kidney Stones

Stones in the kidney cause acute pain in the right side of the stomach, back, spine, and lower urinary bladder and in the genitals in men. Vomiting, burning sensation, pain and bleeding in the urine can be caused. Children generally have stones in the bladder and experience unbearable pain in the lower part of the stomach. The patients suffering with this problem should drink a lot of water and consume curd, rice, and tomato in very less quantity. Ayurvedic medicines dissolve the stones and they are excreted through the urine. Regular practice of yoga asana cures this disease

Tips for Reducing Stress

1. Laugh. When you laugh, you actually cause a pleasurable change in your body’s chemistry that lasts as long as 45 minutes. So take in a comedy at the movies, watch a funny television show, or invite friends over for a game of charades.

2. Pets. Physical contact with pets or even just their presence has been proved to be therapeutic for hospital patients. Play with your dog, hold your cat, or sing to your bird: all of these activities can help reduce blood pressure and bring a feeling of calm.

3. Nature. The soothing, stress-relieving power of nature has been recognized for centuries. Many hospitals and health centers now make “nature areas” a part of their therapeutic environment. And when properly tailored to the individual’s conditioning and enjoyment, physical exercise can help reduce stress and anxiety. Take a walk outside!

4. Music. Music’s calming effect has been proved during dental procedures, during labor, before and after surgery, and in emergency rooms. This effect is probably due to music’s ability to distract and soothe.

Stress Relief Bath

Add the following to a warm bath and soak your cares away.


3 drops bergamot essential oil

2 drops clary sage essential oil

2 drops lavender essential oil

2 drops neroli essential oil

2 drops sandalwood essential oil

Stress-Reducing Visualization

This may be performed in the tub along with your stress relief bath formula, or sitting in a chair.

1. Close your eyes and simply take a deep breath. Breathe in calmness and exhale tension, breathe with your belly, imagining that your lungs are sitting right behind your belly button. To fill them with air, relax your abdomen, and let it expand with each breath. Slowly inhale for a count of 8, filling your belly, and slowly exhale to the count of 8.

2. Do a few repetitions of this and then, starting with the top of the head, release the tension from tour muscles one by one, all the way to your toes and back up again. Continue to breathe in relaxation and exhale tension.

3. Now that your body feels soft and relaxed, allow your awareness to come inside yourself. Visualize yourself walking on a path among trees. In front of you is a gate. Open the gate and step in to a beautiful garden.

4. You see and smell beautiful flowers. You see lush palm trees, fruit trees, and tropical blossoms with sweet fragrances. Touch them. . . inhale the aromas. Each time you inhale, you feel more calm and relaxed. Listen to the singing birds, Feel the calm, gentle breeze.

5. A wonderful feeling of peace and joy drifts through your mind and flows through your body. Visualize a magnificent cool waterfall. As you step into it, feel the clean, refreshing water cleansing you from the top of your head down to your toes, washing away every bit of stress and anxiety. Allow your being to be restored on all levels.

6. Now project your thoughts forward. In a vision, see yourself in what might be a stressful situation, but allow the exquisite feeling of relaxation to continue to soothe your thoughts. Allow the relaxed state you are feeling now to weave a tapestry of a totally stress-free consciousness into your vision. Your mind and body are being conditioned to respond calmly to stress.

7. Open your eyes slowly and take with you this calm and relaxing feeling, remembering you can always return to this peaceful garden of serenity that is your own private sanctuary

5 Reasons Why You Should Start Practicing

Yoga And Meditation

The practice of yoga and meditation has become increasingly popular in the past few years, but I am sure that there are many people who are still asking themselves, “What’s in it for me?” So, if you have been wondering whether it would be worth your time to start practicing yoga and meditation, I would like to give you five good reasons why it would be a very worthwhile activity for you.

1.Yoga and meditation will improve your health

Yoga postures put gentle pressure on the internal organs of the body and help them to function properly. In particular the postures help your digestive system to work smoothly and thus avoid problems such as constipation, acidity and indigestion, which are common conditions that can lead to more serious problems later on. Meditation and deep relaxation can be just what you need to lower your blood pressure. Thus, yoga postures plus meditation is a great combination for maintaining and improving health.

2. Yoga and meditation will help you to overcome bad habits

What’s a “bad habit?” It’s something that you are doing continually, and something that you know is harming you but you can’t stop it. Are you smoking now? Maybe you thought it was good when you started, but you would now like to stop. The trouble is that it is not so easy to quit smoking or a similar habit once it has become established.

This is where yoga and meditation can help you out. The yoga postures help you to become more relaxed and mentally balanced. Meditation can help you to concentrate your mind and build up your will-power. Once you become internally balanced and have a stronger will power, it will become possible for you to break any habit, even one that you have been troubled by for many years.

3. Yoga and meditation will help you to lose weight

Obesity is one of the biggest health problems of the modern era. Our lives have become more sedentary and our food sources have changed over the last 100 years and this why many adults and even children are now overweight.

Although this is a life-style problem, it is something that can be dealt with. The surest way to lose weight is to get more exercise and to control what you are eating. This is of course, easier said than done. But yoga and meditation can help you out. There are some yoga postures that are helpful in weight loss programs. Similarly, the mental strength that you can get from both yoga postures and from meditation can help you to gain a better control over your diet and this can result in healthy and permanent weight loss.

4. Yoga and meditation will bring you inner peace

You may be earning a lot of money and you may have a lot of social prestige but is physical or social wealth the goal of your life? Whatever material or social wealth you have, if you are not contented, satisfied and at peace with yourself then you will not be a happy person.

The goal of meditation is to help you find the inner core of your being. Who are you? Is it the name and address on your identity card? If you start meditating you will find that deep within you is a pool of infinite love and peace. This is the real you. If you can reach this place, then you will find peace and contentment; it is guaranteed!

5. Yoga and meditation will make you a wiser person

Every one of us has made mistakes that we regret. There is nothing we can do about the past. We can’t go back in time and not make the mistakes. But what we can do is to build up our capacity to see what has permanent value and what is transitory. When we attain this state of discrimination, then we will not do actions that we will regret later on.

Meditation helps a person to go beyond the “chatter” of the mind and attain a state of wisdom that will always be of help. Wisdom does not mean stuffing your mind with “facts” but it does mean to have a mind that will choose a course of action that brings about the welfare of everyone.

I have a list with many more reasons why yoga and meditation are helpful, but I thought I would start off with these five reasons. So, if any one of these items are interesting for you, then why not see for yourself, and start practicing yoga and meditation?

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