Winners never quit and quitters never win

How to Protect Your Health and Enjoy-2010

How to Reduce Stress,to control Diabetes etc...

Healthy Exercise Plan from Good Morning Heart

Regular exercise is a great way to get heart healthy. It improves circulation strengthens the heart, reduces body fact and decreases stress levels. And is that wasn't enough, it also does wonders for one's self esteem!

Unfortunately most of us are too busy to be able to devote time to the gym. In fact 60% of adults do not get the recommended amount of exercise.

The truth is that three are ample opportunities in a day to exercise and we can make the best of them by following a simple steps.

• Take the stairs instead of the elevator
• Get actively involved with your children
• Take the dog for a run in the morning
• Use lunch breaks at work to do simple exercises
• Walk to work and back

Simple things like these can help one get active and heart healthy.
So start your rountine today and feel the difference.

• One of the biggest injury risk factors is static posture
• Try to spend at least 5 minutes every hour away from your computer
• Remeber to ONLY stretch to the point of mild tension
• Try to incorporate the stretches into your daily routine

Below are some illustrations of simple active stretches to perform at the office.

Tightly clench your hand into a fist and release, fanning out the fingers. repeat 3 times


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